Publications: plant a tree
The Famous Romany Families Series is published by the
Romany and Traveller Family History Society.
The books can be ordered through the RTFHS page at GENfair: or through the Society’s website at – a bargain when just one certificate costs over £9.00!
Volume 1: The Family Tree of William and Margaret Loveridge,
from about 1750 to about 1900, mainly Northamptonshire and nearby counties
by Pat Loveridge
Volume 2: The Family Trees of Damon and Thomas Lee,
from about 1750 to about 1900, mainly the English southern counties
by Eric Trudgill
Volume 3: The Family Tree of Samson and Celia Scamp,
from about 1750 to about 1900, mainly Kent and nearby counties
by Roger Baker
Volume 4: The Family Trees of Francis and Mary Clayton and John and Mary Booth,
from about 1750 to about 1900, from the South Midlands of England to the North East and North West
by Eric Trudgill
Volume 5: The Family Tree of Woodfine Smith,
from about 1750 to about 1900, mainly the English Midlands and North West
by Josephine Tombs
Volume 6: The Family Trees of Benjamin and Thomas Hearn,
from about 1740 to about 1900, mainly counties to the north, west and south of London
by Eric Trudgill
Volume 7: The Descendants of John and Jemima Elliott and related families,
from about 1750 to about 1900, mainly in the East Midlands counties of England
by Vivienne M. Halton
Volume 8: The Family Tree of Thomas and Elizabeth Gray,
from about 1750 to about 1910, from primarily Cambridgeshire and Norfolk to the North East and North West
by Eric Trudgill
Volume 9: The Family Tree of Viney Boswell
from about 1750 to about 1910, from primarily the English Midlands to the North East and North West
by Eric Trudgill
Volume 10: The Family Tree of Barrington Buckland
from about 1750 to about 1910, primarily in the Mid-Western Counties of England
by Eric Trudgill
Volume 11: Stanley – expanded and updated The family trees of Hercules & Peter Stanley by Anne-Marie Ford
Volume 12: Lovell The family tree of Major & Susanna Lovell by Josephine Tombs
Volume 13: Lovell The family tree of Daniel & Violetta Lovell by Eric Trudgill
Volume 14: Stanley The family trees of Paul & Peter, Richard & Owen Stanley by Anne-Marie Ford
Volume 15: Butler The family tree of Joseph & Letitia Butler by Eric Trudgill
Volume 16: Lock The family tree of Matthew & Merrick Lock by Eric Trudgill
Volume 17: Doe The family tree of Francis Doe by Stephen Doe
Volume 18: Multiple Surnames Ten Major Gypsy Families of Wales & the English West and North by Eric Trudgill