Stealing Berried Holly

The Cheltenham Examiner of January 1874 reflected on a theft of holly that had taken place before Christmas, one of the very many in which the local population helped themselves to these symbols of Christmas celebrations. The newspaper remarked that ‘two girls, Elizabeth Loveridge and Sophia Scarrett, were summoned for … Continue reading

The Family Tree of Five Major Cooper Gypsy Families & Five Major Lovell Gypsy Families – available from Amazon at £12.99.

A Fine Romance

Reporting on a case at the Eastbourne Sessions in May 1889, where a local wood merchant charged a young Gypsy named Andrew Dighton (Deighton/Dyton) with unlawfully eloping with his daughter, Caroline Smith, newspapers took a romantic view. ‘Mr. Smith stated that his daughter was under 18 years of age and … Continue reading

Both books on the major Smith families now available from Amazon.

Ten Major Smith Gypsy Families: Traced from the Eighteenth Century to the Twentieth PART ONE by Eric Trudgill 5.0 out of 5 stars 1 Paperback £12.99 Ten Major Smith Gypsy Families: Traced from the Eighteenth Century to the Twentieth PART TWO by Eric Trudgill 5.0 out of 5 stars 1 £12.99

Ten Major Smith Gypsy Families: traced from the eighteenth to the twentieth – part one.

by Eric Trudgill A paperback now available from Amazon, £12.99 a copy.